KARACHI: Forty-four residents of two districts were fined Rs22,000 in total on Saturday for not wearing masks in public, reported The News. Karachi Commissioner Iftikhar Shallwani has directed authorities to fine residents not wearing Rs500. Moreover, 12 businesses have also been sealed while three others have been fined Rs20,000 in the city's central and south districts during routine inspections to check violations of the standard operating procedures (SOPs) issued in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Karachi Central District
On Friday, District Central Deputy Commissioner Bux Dharejo had ordered sealing four wedding halls, a shop, and two hotels in his jurisdiction, besides fining 28 people Rs14,000 for not wearing masks. Share said that 13,000 masks were distributed among people and they were counseled on the importance of wearing them during the pandemic. Speaking to The News, he said that more than fines, talking to people helped get the message across. “When we tell them that wearing masks will not only keep them safe but also their loved ones, they understand and vow to wear masks the next time.” As for the fines, he said that they were mostly collected in markets from shopkeepers and customers who were not wearing them. “When the public doesn’t listen to reason, we’ll be left with no option but to find them.”
South district
District South Deputy Commissioner Irshad Ali Sodhar inspected 38 restaurants, issued warnings to 17, and sealed two on Saturday for not adhering to the coronavirus safety guidelines. The same day he visited three schools and ended up sealing one, issuing a warning to another. A bakery was also sealed and a milk shop was fined Rs5,000. A travel agency in the district was fined Rs5,000, two garment shops were fined Rs10,000 and a cinema was sealed. Sixteen people were also fined Rs8,000 for not wearing masks. Sridhar said the Pakistan American Cultural Centre (PACC) was sealed after an inspection by the district administration found that no social distancing was being observed there and hardly any member of the audience was wearing a mask, while the program being conducted had extended beyond the 10 pm deadline. Due to the fear of the second wave of the novel coronavirus hitting Karachi, the commissioner’s office on Friday made wearing masks in public compulsory across the city. Shallwani directed all the six deputy commissioners of the city to make sure that citizens wear masks in public. He had ordered the deputy commissioners to ensure that citizens wear masks when they are outside their homes. For those found without masks, he directed the deputy commissioners to take action against them and fine them Rs500 each.
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