Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan owns a fleet of 15 vehicles worth Rs48.1 million, The News reported on Thursday. This was stated in the documents on assets and liabilities of public office holders issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). Jam Kamal also owns properties worth Rs720 million and Rs840 million in the country and an inherited property worth Rs50 million abroad. He also has investments of Rs19.4 million in Pakistan. Lawmaker Jan Muhammad Jamali owns 40 acres of agricultural land, 60 tolas of gold, and a car worth Rs2.5 million. He has Rs1.74 in cash and more than Rs26,000 in a bank account. Sardar Yar Mohammad Rind owns 14,000 acres of agricultural land, a residential plot in Dera Murad Jamali worth Rs3 million, a house in Quetta worth Rs20 million, and another house in Islamabad worth Rs 35 million. His two apartments in Dubai are valued at Rs36 million while the villas in Dubai cost Rs42 million. He owns 646 tolas of gold and four cars worth Rs28.8 million, furniture worth Rs850 million, agricultural commodities worth more than Rs250 million and weapons of Rs2 million Nawab Aslam Raisani owns assets worth over Rs21 billion - agricultural land is valued at Rs190 million, residential plot worth more than Rs1.79 billion, and assets worth more than R1.73 billion in Malta. His vehicles are worth more than Rs3.75 billion. Raisani has Rs510 million in his bank account, owns animals worth Rs230 million.
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