MUMBAI: At least seven people have been killed in a hotel in Andhra Pradesh in India after a massive fire broke out in the facility early on Sunday, police said. “Several people who were trapped and injured have been rescued and moved to a government hospital. Fire is under control but rescue and fire-fighting operations are still underway,” said Lakshmi, a constable at the police control room. Home Minister Amit Shah tweeted: “Deeply anguished by the news of tragic fire accident at a COVID-19 facility in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh”. “Centre assures all possible support to the state government. My condolences are with the affected families in this time of grief. Praying for the speedy recovery of those injured,” he wrote. Last week, eight COVID-19 patients died in a fire that broke out in the intensive care ward of a private hospital in Ahmedabad. Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Jagan Mohan Reddy has instructed officials to conduct an inquiry into the hotel fire, ANI reported. “The incident took place around 5am. Around 22 patients are being treated in the hospital. We are evacuating the entire building,” Mohammad Imtiaz, Krishna’s district collector, was quoted as saying by ANI.
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