Renowned Indian poet and lyricist Rahat Indori, 70, passed away on Tuesday hours after testing positive for the coronavirus. According to Times Now, the veteran poet was under treatment at a local hospital in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore. "He (Indori) suffered two heart attacks today and could not be saved... he had 60% pneumonia," ANI reported citing Dr. Vinod Bhandari. Earlier in the day, Indori had announced on Twitter that he had positive for the virus. The poet said that he was admitted to a hospital and requested his fans to refrain from speculation and wait for him to provide an update regarding his health. In a tweet, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi expressed grief over the veteran poet's death. According to The Indian Express, Indori's poetry had played an important role in anti-CAA (Citizenship Amendment Bill) protests this year. "The line, 'Kisi ke baap ka Hindustan thodi hai”, taken from ghazal ‘Agar khilaaf hain hone do' gave a voice and purpose to dissent," it read.
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