With Apple’s mysterious launch strategy grabbing the attention of users worldwide, the tech giant has now hinted at no power adapters or EarPods in the box, whereas, minor code tweak in iOS 14.2 seemingly confirms Apple's plan to sell the new devices without EarPods. According to an article published in Mac Rumour, in iOS 14 and earlier versions of iOS, there's a mention of reducing exposure to RF energy by using the "supplied headphones," which is the same wording that Apple has used for years now. However, the wording in iOS 14.2 has been tweaked to say just "headphones," removing the "supplied" part of this statement. The full code reads as follows: “To reduce exposure to RF energy, use a hands-free option, such as the built-in speakerphone, headphones, or other similar accessories.” Since all prior mentions of headphones have included the term "supplied," the deliberate elimination of the word in the new code strongly implicates that the Apple has no plans to "supply" headphones with the anticipated iPhone 12 models. There are also rumors that the wireless charger – designed specifically for the upcoming iPhone 12 family of smartphones – is magnetic and it is combined with a disk-like shape. “In other words, there won’t be any mucking about with trying to get the iPhone to correctly line up with the wireless charger: instead, this puck will likely just snap to the back of the handset and start charging,” read the article in 9to5Mac. Since 2017, Apple’s iPhones have had wireless charging and the company is yet to make its own first-party wireless charging equipment. However, the best wireless chargers are made by the likes of mophie, Logitech, and Belkin.
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