Sindh Rangers to launch app aimed at creating intelligence network in Karachi

KARACHI: Rangers have announced that a mobile application will be launched to create an intelligence network across Pakistan's financial capital and provide emergency access to control rooms to the citizens. According to a spokesperson for the Sindh Rangers, the decision to introduce an app was aimed at modernizing security across Karachi, with information and intelligence on hospitals, banks, schools, and public spaces available on it initially. It was crucial to improving the sense of security in various institutions and the public, the spokesperson added. They underlined that the app would be able to alert registered institutions in Karachi in emergency cases. The Sindh Rangers spokesperson noted that users would have access to the Rangers control rooms, as well as all other sectors, in Karachi. "The nearest mobile patrol will receive an emergency call [in cases of emergency, which] will allow the teams to reach the scene on time," they added.
